Come Volunteer!

Volunteers are required for all of the HorsePower programs and consist of two types - Leaders and Sidewalkers. All lessons are held Monday through Thursday between 9am and 5pm (with the exception of extended summer session hours), and active volunteers must commit to at least one hour per week for an eight-week session. Substitute volunteers are under no minimum hour obligation, they are added to a group message program in which we send out times that we need someone to 'fill in' if they can. HorsePower volunteers do not ride, they ensure hundreds of great rides for our very special participants!
HorsePower Volunteer Opportunities

Leaders: Volunteers lead the horses while the participants ride during their lessons. Leaders must be at least 14 years old and have knowledge and experience with horses. The leader may be asked to halter the horses, lead and tie, help tacking and pick out the horses' feet. During the lesson, they maintain control of the horse to help with the rider's lesson and ensure their safety.
Sidewalker: Volunteers walk alongside the horses while the participants ride during their lessons and offers support to the rider from the ground. Sidewalkers must be at least 14 years old, experience with horses is not necessary. The sidewalker helps the rider with grooming and tacking, and may be asked to help with mounting. During the lesson, they help the riders understand the tasks they are doing and offer encouragement, stimulation and support.

Special Event/Project Help: Volunteers may assist HorsePower with special events and special projects on an as needed basis. Needs are communicated through the HorsePower website, Facebook page and text messages.