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Barn Opening


Welcome to our program offerings!

Our programs are set up in five eight-week sessions. Riders' eligibility is determined by a HorsePower assessment and a doctor's permission form. All forms (see Resources page) need to be filled out prior to the assessment. All participants must have a physician's signature prior to riding. Additionally, those participants seeing a physical and/or occupational therapist must have their forms completed by the appropriate professional(s). Forms are completed annually, though some may be less often with physician's consent. Please note that there are some conditions that may be a contraindication for riding. This may not mean a rider cannot ride, but it does mean that the individual with this condition must be assessed thoroughly. 

We offer the programs outlined below:



The term Hippotherapy refers to how a licensed therapist, OT, PT or SLP, incorporates the movement of the horse into a client's treatment plan. The therapist skillfully utilizes the horse's movement in conjunction with client positioning and activities on and off the horse to challenge and engage the client's sensory,neuromotor, and cognitive systems achieving functional change. Individuals aged two through adulthood benefit from the treatment strategy of hippotherapy, which addresses skill areas that may inculde balance, coordination, communication, attention, sensory integration skills, and more. This uniquely powerful strategy promotes increased independence and success in daily life. 


Therapeutic Riding

Goals are established by staff for each theraputic riding client. Lessons are designed to achieve these goals as clients experience personal growth while riding a horse - usually with leaders and sidewalkers. Goals may include physical, emotional, or cognitive progression. Each of these targeted needs demonstrate growth during the sessions as clients bond with their horses. 


Ground Work

Although physical limitations may keep some clients from riding, they can still participate at HorsePower. The act of grooming and bonding with a horse can provide physical, emotional, and cognitive stimulation. These clients are supervised and led through activities by staff and volunteers. 


Independent Riding - Waitlist

In the Fall of 2019, HorsePower introduced our newest programming for individuals who are to participate in horse care activities and ride independently.  We recognize that there are not many places within the Sioux Falls area to choose from when seeking riding lessons.  Since HorsePower has provided Therapeutic Riding, Hippotherapy, and Ground Work sessions for over twenty-five years we feel confident that we have the ability to further serve our community's needs by offering independent riding lessons.

At HorsePower we are able to offer a trifecta of benefits that provide incentive to come ride with us.  These benefits include:

  • Competent, friendly instructors
  • Safe, reliable lesson horses
  • Competitive pricing

Independent Riding lessons are scheduled for the frequency you desire.  From once a month, to twice a week, we've got a variety of options to suit your needs.  Contact the office to get your riding career started, today!

Veterans' Retreats

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HorsePower's Veterans' Retreats are non-mounted opportunities for former service members to learn about horses. Using a blend of animal psychology, natural horsemanship, and contemporary therapy curriculums these retreats offer a chance for participants to connect, grow, and learn from instructors and each other.